Guide for automatic configuration of an FTP account on FileZilla

In addition to the configuration of a FileZilla FTP client there is also the option to automatically configure a FTP user: in this case simply follow the procedure below.

After logging on to your Dashboard of, click on the domain to which an FTP user is to be added, and select “Web Space”. The link “FTP User management” enables access to this page

Click on the “Download” button indicated by the arrow for access to the following window:

Click on “Save File” to download a configuration file that can be imported into FileZilla using the command “Import…”:

Select the downloaded file in the dialogue window:


After confirming import of the file, you can open the Site Manager (File > Site Manager) for access to the following window:



We recommend changing the type of Logon (Logon Type) from “ask for password” to “Normal” and to write the password so that it does not need to be entered every time. This will simplify the configuration procedure.

After entering the password, click on “Connect” to manage the folders on the server.



At this point the automatic FTP account configuration procedure is complete.

FTP Client: how to use Filezilla

To install FileZilla, a free software application, simply go to the address and download the installation file for your operating system.

Once installed, you need to configure a connection.
After entering the host, user name and password previously created from the dashboard of, you will be able to connect to the server and see the folder structure in your hosting space.

Here is a screenshot of the fields to be compiled with the user data (remember to compile the fields with entry of our default domain name as the host, preceded by FTP, with the port 21):

Click on the button indicated with the arrow or go to the file > Site manager…

and a window is displayed with the fields to be compiled with the user data. Here the host field must be compiled with the same name specified when creating the FTP account, and the port number 21.

the fields “User” and “password” must be compiled with the data entered on the Dashboard (see image below) when the FTP account was created.


Once all fields are completed, click on “Connect” to log onto the remote server and see the folder structure, with local items displayed on the left (Local site), on your computer, and those of the server on the right (Remote site):

At this point you can use the simple “drag and drop” function to transfer files and folders from your computer to the server and vice versa.